HOW to use Social Media Marketing for your business

Content may be similar (advertisement, website, contests, print ads, pop ups, TV, Radio) but using Social Media to deliver and share is the magic and difference in Successful Real-Estate Agents. A property’s marketing has changed, dramatically: Once upon a time, you called a real estate agent, she asked what you what neighborhood and what attributes you were looking for, toured a few houses, and wrote a contract for you. If you were selling your home, she had your home listed in the LOCAL area’s MLS, put the listing in a newspaper or two, and used a direct mail (and a sign with balloons) with open-house information. Differences Now:

  • The Internet – duh
  • For-Sale-By-Owner websites and
  • Economic changes causing more Auctions, Foreclosures, and Short Sales
  • City Assessment tools open to the public
  • Digital photography and searchable attributes on International websites

How do you get to be one that someone calls on? By being the first Real Estate Agent that someone thinks of.  Here is your ToDo List if you want to be VERY successful, in today’s market:

  • Publish a website (or page on your website) for every listing
  • Write a weekly blog, highlighting a listing
  • Post a virtual tour, of a property, on your Facebook Fan Page
  • Tweet your latest SOLD property and a decrease in interest rates
  • Upload a video, to your YouTube Channel, of your builders framing a house
    • NOTE: add your website details to all updates with a link back to your site

Using social media is a clever way to relate to others, without spending a fortune on advertising, but you do have to do it correctly and it is time-consuming, so considering hiring a part-time Social Media manager.  Think about the money you’ll save in print advertising getting more referrals and leads by really focusing on relationships and a web presence. The longer you take to create a successful internet brand, the harder it will be to sell real estate in the long run.

One final thought: 84% of all real estate searches start online…hmmm