Birthday Party Time – at Pigtails & Crewcuts, Williamsburg!

Pigtails & Crewcuts stylists customize each style for the younger set. This hair salon for children will light up a face of a younger one walking in for the first time – movies, train tables, and special car chairs help make it a very memorable experience. The experienced stylists will walk the parent (and the child) through each step of the haircut to ensure complete satisfaction. And when it is time to celebrate somebody’s birthday? Well, Pigtails & Crewcuts has the perfect party for you! Use their special party room where kids love to play dress-up, have their hair done, enjoy make-up and nail color services, embark on treasure hunts and celebrate a great occasion with friends! With a variety of parties with kid-tested themes, they can tailored each to girls or boys. Whether you select a signature party theme or create your own, they’ll work hard to customize a party that’s memorable for everyone.
party descriptions

For all of our award-winning parties, they even provide a party host to emcee the celebration. They take care of setting up and provide juice & paper goods (plates, napkins and plastic ware). And the best part? They do all the clean up!! Call 757-603-6193 today or click here to get your party started!!

we got this partyPigtails & Crewcuts Signature Parties

Don’t forget – both parent and child can experience Pigtails & Crewcuts. Next time you visit, ask about Mom and Dad cuts. Haircuts for Parents, too!

Guest Blog: 12 Days of Doing for Christmas

From our friends over at Pigtails & Crewcuts – Williamsburg

Strolling through your hometown mall, it’s easy to forget that the holidays aren’t just commercial. This season, be sure and remind your kids that the holidays are a time of gratitude, giving back and embracing family. Want a season to remember? Here are 12 ideas to get you in the true holiday spirit.

holiday ready

  1. Volunteer. Take the family and spend a few hours at a non-profit that’s meaningful to you. Homeless shelters, kitchens, family-centric charities and others could all use a helping hand this season, and throughout the year.
  2. Make a meal—or even just muffins—for another family. We all have someone in our lives who could use a little extra TLC. Let them know they’re on your mind by baking a spontaneous treat.
  3. Shop local. When you’re checking things off your list, keep your money in your community by shopping at an independent, locally owned store.
  4. Host a card party and help a hero. Have some friends over and get crafty, making holiday cards to spread cheer to servicemen and veterans. Learn more about Holiday Mail for Heroes here.
  5. Shop with a heart. Look for buy-one-get-one-free deals when shopping for holiday gifts, and donate the bonus gift to charity.
  6. Try something new. Always wanted to check out that Ethiopian/Indian/Chinese/Fondue restaurant? Curious about a new park or shop? Excited to sign up for one of those girl’s-night-out painting classes? Make a list of all of the places you’ve wondered about and start checking them off.
  7. Phone a friend. We’re all so preoccupied with texting and email these days, it’s easy to forget how touching it is to have a real, live conversation. Call someone you’ve been thinking about and catch up.
  8. Put your skills to use. Do you have a knack for knitting? Are you keen on quilting? Think about your talents and put them to use by donating the fruit of your labor to a local charity. Or offer to teach a friend or family member how to do the craft you love.
  9. Unplug and enjoy family time for a full day. That’s right, we said it. No TVs, no iPads, no phones. Just you and the kids for a whole day. What will you do? Whatever you want, as long as it’s centered around humans, not technology!
  10. Visit a museum. When’s the last time you visited your town’s art/history/children’s/science museum? Holiday break is a great time for an educational outing.
  11. Learn a new skill. It can be anything. Maybe you always wanted to ice skate or ski. Perhaps it’s time to teach the kids to cook or make their own lunches. Maybe that old harmonica needs dusting off. Use this time to master a task together.
  12. Host a movie marathon. No holiday season is complete without viewings of “A Christmas Story,” “Elf,” “Miracle on 34th Street” and the list goes on. Pop a tub of popcorn and settle in for a night of holiday cheer.

Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf is closed for the season – they’ll reopen in March 2015

News from the Pirate Chest:
pirate chest hand

Williamsburg’s Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf, on Mooretown Road has closed for the season. Seasonal staff – retail and entrance staff – has left for the winter. Gardeners and Maintenance will remain to work on the long ToDo list that has be tackled, each winter. Over the winter months, they repaint, repair, adding new pirate folklore, and do any needed renovations in the bathrooms and in the lobby to make admissions easier. Then, they put their feet up and wait for Santa Claus….

Feet warming by fireplace

It is time for a much-needed break for ALL the staff at Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf, after a busy, busy summer! They’ll reopen March 2015. We already can’t wait.

Do-It-Yourself Social Media Marketing – Free!

Most of my Social Media Marketing clients come to me through a referral, word of mouth or a personal conversation. Occasionally I will get someone that contacted me off the website for a quote and they usually balk at my prices, because they think that they can Do It Myself. What I always think is I only want quality customers that appreciate my value. What I say is:

Do it yourself social media is free-but is it profitable? Does it find you new customers? Does it work?Tweet: Do it yourself social media is free - but is it profitable? Does it find you new customers? Does it work?

I can help get you up and running – do a few months of posts and set up your page so it WORKS and can be FOUND (the real goal of inbound marketing of Facebook). Then, when you take over the reigns – you know what to do and you can see how I have been doing it for you and you have learned. If you are going to Do It Yourself – make sure you know how to do it!

Putting for Progress – Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf is investing in the future!

Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf, of Williamsburg, VA, will host a “Putting for Progress” fundraiser through Monday, September 1, 2014.

IMG_8633IMG_7519 Putting for Progress - Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf is investing in the future!Putting for Progress - Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf is investing in the future!

This event, held over Labor Day weekend, will support three charities that serve the education and needs of children in our local communities and in underserved communities around the country:, BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life), and the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism.

Building leaders for life
donors choosefoundation for autism



Donations and 5% of revenue from Labor Day Weekend will be donated.

DIY Social Media Workshop – Williamsburg, Sat., 9/20/14 at 9am

Social media marketing can be quite overwhelming and time‐consuming. After all, it is public relations, customer service, advertising, sales AND marketing all rolled into one. And social media isn’t just posting to Facebook:

  • questions must be answered
  • private messages addressed
  • conversations continued
  • If customer‐service questions come up, they require a prompt response

If all of this overwhelms you and you want to learn more, sign up for the Williamsburg Workshop for Do It Yourself Social Media. Learn concrete steps for executing your social media program

  • How to write your company’s blog
  • How to photograph your candid shoots
  • How to build your Keyword List
  • How to organically grow SEO (how to get “found” on Google)
  • How to write and create the content for posts about your firm
  • How to manage your subscriber list and write and send your newsletter out


Where: Williamsburg Chamber & Tourism Alliance Bldg, 421 N. Boundary St, Williamsburg VA 23185

When:   Saturday, September 20, 9:00—11:00 AM

Cost: $24.00 in Advance  or $29.00 cash at the door


Contact SCORE, directly: 757‐229‐6511

Download the SCORE flyerSCORE-Workshop flyer

Colonial Capital B&B tells us what the Pineapple really means

Colonial Capital Bed & Breakfast uses pineapples in our signage, our marketing, and on our website because to us it means “Welcome!” The pineapple has served as a symbol of hospitality and warm welcome through the history of the Americas.

Colonial Capital B&B tells us what the pineapple really means

Christopher Columbus wrote the first account of a western encounter with the pineapple in the journal of his second discovery voyage across the Atlantic. He and his men landed on the Caribbean island of Guadalupe where the sailors enjoyed this sweet, succulent new fruit, which had already become a staple of native feasts and religious rites.

In 1493, Christopher Columbus brought the pineapple back to Renaissance Europe and the pineapple’s exotic nature and sweetness soon made it an item that soon acquired both popularity and curiosity, after its European arrival.  He first wrote about the pineapple in his journal, in his second discovery voyage. In the 1600s, King Charles posed for an official portrait while receiving a pineapple as a gift.

In Colonial America, hostesses would set a fresh pineapple in the center of their dining table when visitors joined their families in their homes. Visiting was the primary means of entertainment and cultural exchange, so the concept of hospitality was a central element in Colonial life. The pineapple, then, symbolized the warmest welcome a hostess could extend to her guests, and then often it also served as the dessert for the meal. Creative food display became a competition among the hostesses, because it declared her personality and her family’s social status. Hostesses tried to outdo one another in creating memorable dining events. In larger, more affluent homes, the doors to the dining room were kept closed to create an air of suspense and excitement over the preparations of the hostess. Visitors to the homes, that displayed the pineapple, felt particularly honored that the hostess had spared no expense to secure one in their behalf.

Since, the pineapple became a familiar symbolic image of welcome, good cheer, and warmth and affection between all who dwell inside the home. Let them show you some Colonial hospitality, soon, by making a reservation at their website. Please become their Fan on Facebook.