Is Advertising on the Internet Social Media Marketing?

No. Social media is two way, engaged conversation. Advertising is typically ONE way, on the internet they would be such things as Pop-Up ads or Social Media campaigns. So, why not just use them? You can target your audience and get it in front of millions of potential customers. Well, consumers are savvy and very blind to ads, at this point, because of 1) General lack of interest 2) Poor timing vs search engine optimization and 3) Lack of trust – number three because of questionable content accessed once.

So, if your goal is to create or edit an existing presence, what now? Social Media Management can streamline your strategy. For instance, the main goal of your internet presence should be to convince visitors to become customers, engage with your business, or recommend your organization. As marketing specialists, we “listen” to your fans, to your competitor’s fans, to the replies and comments, and watch what makes them TICK. And by tick, we mean SHARE, and Re-Tweet, and create a buzz about you. Sure, you’ll want to keep fans in the loop about news, events, gather insight into customer needs and desires, or inform prospects about an upcoming sale or offer and obviously, you won’t stay in business long if your goal isn’t to SELL, but Social Media Marketing isn’t for selling, it is for warming up the prospect, creating community, and building trust. Those are our goals for your internet strategy. Give us a chance to show you how all that works for you and your bottom line, at Social Media Simplifier

Can Social Media REALLY Make a Difference to your Business?

Contrary to popular assumption, the economic downturn is actually good for the internet… and your business. More people are shopping online to find better deals and looking to thier “friends” to show them the way. More merchants are moving their advertising dollars from offline media to online venues.

Just imagine….

Gym One has a great website, beautiful facility, some great aerobic teachers, and some really great Zumba dance classes. They have a Facebook fan page, and even a Youtube Channel, but nothing is updated with current schedules and they’re not actively doing social media.

Then there’s you…

Gym Two (YOU!) also has a great website, with links to your Facebook fan page, Twitter, flickr, and Youtube accounts. You have a really great welcome/video commercial on your website’s home page. Plus, you have a blog where you offer great tips, and post helpful articles for kids, parents, families, etc. You update your Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube accounts on a regular basis, and as a result, you seem relevant, knowledgeable, and approachable.  Any opportunity that you have to highlight your level of knowledge and expertise, will help you to distinguish your gym from your competitors. You have to get people in the door to see that you have a great facility – and social media sharing is really one of the best ways to do that.


HOW to use Social Media Marketing for your business

Content may be similar (advertisement, website, contests, print ads, pop ups, TV, Radio) but using Social Media to deliver and share is the magic and difference in Successful Real-Estate Agents. A property’s marketing has changed, dramatically: Once upon a time, you called a real estate agent, she asked what you what neighborhood and what attributes you were looking for, toured a few houses, and wrote a contract for you. If you were selling your home, she had your home listed in the LOCAL area’s MLS, put the listing in a newspaper or two, and used a direct mail (and a sign with balloons) with open-house information. Differences Now:

  • The Internet – duh
  • For-Sale-By-Owner websites and
  • Economic changes causing more Auctions, Foreclosures, and Short Sales
  • City Assessment tools open to the public
  • Digital photography and searchable attributes on International websites

How do you get to be one that someone calls on? By being the first Real Estate Agent that someone thinks of.  Here is your ToDo List if you want to be VERY successful, in today’s market:

  • Publish a website (or page on your website) for every listing
  • Write a weekly blog, highlighting a listing
  • Post a virtual tour, of a property, on your Facebook Fan Page
  • Tweet your latest SOLD property and a decrease in interest rates
  • Upload a video, to your YouTube Channel, of your builders framing a house
    • NOTE: add your website details to all updates with a link back to your site

Using social media is a clever way to relate to others, without spending a fortune on advertising, but you do have to do it correctly and it is time-consuming, so considering hiring a part-time Social Media manager.  Think about the money you’ll save in print advertising getting more referrals and leads by really focusing on relationships and a web presence. The longer you take to create a successful internet brand, the harder it will be to sell real estate in the long run.

One final thought: 84% of all real estate searches start online…hmmm

How Important is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is an advertising strategy that utilizes forms of online marketing like: Blogs, eBooks, posting on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn, or Webinars to create brand awareness and attract new business. Google LOVES inbound marketing for SEO’s purposes and Fanpage “Likes” or a Blog’s “Subscriptions” is the definition of Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing is what Social Media Simplifier does.

Inbound marketing is a powerful marketing technique that helps you find your audience, helps them find you, and lets you engage in a way that builds trust and loyalty. Ultimately it should convert them into long-term, paying customers. But, the real beauty of inbound marketing is that it becomes very cost-effective when one piece of content is created and can be infinitely shared, at no cost to the creator.

When utilized effectively, Social Media (and Inbound Marketing) can:

  • Establish you as subject-matter expert or an authority, in the service that you offer
  • Increase SEO, organically
  • Enable customers to engage, around the clock
  • Generate social media shares and inbound links to your corporate website
  • Generate qualified leads for less money (Social Media Marketing costs up to 62% less than traditional marketing)
  • Increase public awareness in your brand or your product

Creatively Using Youtube to Expand Social Media Marketing Reach

I get the question all the time: “What Social Media channels should I be using?” and the answer it is always the same: “Where are your customers?” So, this is funny – a school closing on YouTube. Doesn’t even make sense, does it? But creativity, humor, and a timely message go a long, long way.

There has been so  many school closings because of heavy weather and snow, this winter; everyone is a little weary of it (except the children, I am thinking!), but this principal used an entertaining version of “Bohemian Rhapsody” to deliver his message.

Stephens Elementary School in Burlington, Kentucky, sent this YouTube message out in email to all the parents, last week, and posted it on the Facebook page before putting it up on YouTube, where it got more than 77,000 views within its first day. This is a dramatic way to show the power and reach of social media to the students and parents of the school. The school’s principal,  James Detwiler, said, “I don’t think I even recognized the power of social media until the last 24 hours,” he said. “It’s been so crazy. It just gives us an illustration to take to the kids, and say, ‘Social media is awesome. It can be used for good and for fun, but look at how powerful it is. You have to be careful what you put out there.’”

This is a powerful lesson for  my clients. What we put out there is creating your brand. What you are ignoring or not putting out there is noticed, too. Don’t put off getting into Social Media Marketing your small business, any longer. Create a voice. Create a brand. Be creative. And, with a bit of creativity could be seen by 77,000 in one day. NICE!