Baby it is cold outside – come into Bounce House and JUMP your way warm!

Where can you go on a rainy day in Newport News with small children? Where is an inside playground, in Newport News, for winter fun? How do you let kids get rid of all that energy when the weather isn’t cooperating? EASY! Newport News Bounce House!

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The Bounce House has Open Bounce, every day. This means that even if there are private birthday parties going on, your children can still pay and bounce, for about $8. Open Bounce is a great deal for the parents or caregivers, as Bounce House only charges for children, even though there is free WiFi for you! Free Parking and centrally located on the Peninsula (Warwick and Denbigh), this is the perfect way to entertain restless, energized children. Most of the children are toddlers to pre-teens and there is a specific area for the little ones, with tiny cars, a play kitchen, slides as well as a bounce house with no roof – less intimidating to first timers.


Each weekday there is a special discount (Buddy Pass day, Homeschooler Day, Military Day, and All-Week Pass day); find out the current schedule on their Facebook page. They even have contests on the page to give away Birthday parties and All-Week passes – so subscribe to be part of that fun by LIKING their page!

facebook likeThere are occasional shut downs, at the Bounce House because an organization or military group has shut the whole facility down for a truly private party. This happens more frequently, in December – because of Military parties, company parties, and larger seasonal events – so watch the Facebook page for news.


Don’t forget about Birthday Parties at the Bounce House! A bouncing and sliding party is great for little children; there is nothing to share and nothing more to buy, once they get there. Bouncing in castles, slipping and sliding down slides, and navigating tricky climbs and ropes gets rid of their childish energy. And childish energy depleted at a bounce house means that it doesn’t get directed at other children. Instead children take it out on rubber, air, and obstacles. Bouncing. Just. Works. After some Open Bounce, enter the Party Room – already decorated and brightly colorful, Bounce House supplies paper products – you just supply the cake. If you want pizza, snacks, or goodie bags, Bounce House can supply that, too.  Because of the current birthday party special, parties can be booked for as low as $99! And click the photo below for the current special. And….you don’t have to decorate, come up with games, or clean up. How sweet is that? Call to book, by calling (757) 369-8122

Click Here for Current Special

Click Here for Current Special


NOTE: if you live over on the Southside, there are also Bounce Houses in Chesapeake: (757) 966-5596, Virginia Beach (757) 306-1334, or Norfolk (757) 455 9075)


Avoid Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is a rapid-spreading, severe decay of teeth in infants and toddlers caused by the sugars in milk and juice, and is the most common form of early dental disease. It usually begins around the first birthday with either chalky white spots or brownish pits on the front teeth and progresses rapidly, developing infection within a year or two. If left untreated, Baby Bottle Tooth Decay can deteriorate teeth so badly that they cannot be restored and have to be extracted. It can also cause severe dental infections (abscesses) that can spread to other parts of the body and cause high fever, swelling, and severe pain. If you are concerned, please make an appointment with Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry.

Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry, Wendy Craighill, SMSimplifier

The Skinny on Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

  • It is caused, most often, by putting infants to bed with milk or juice in a bottle (or in toddlers, by letting them carry around a sippy cups of milk or juice, rather than water).
  • Other causes are giving milk or juice AFTER brushing. Brush just before your child goes to bed and avoid giving anything other than water after you brush.
  • Some parents give their children pacifiers dipped in honey or another sugary liquid – this causes severe decay.

Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

  • Never put your baby to bed with a bottle filled with milk or juice
  • Never dip your child’s pacifier in honey – it causes germs to grow
  • Do Not allow your toddler to “liquid-graze” – or walk around with a sippy cup filled with juice or milk all day
  • Only give juice or milk with meals. If your child is thirsty, give him or her water
  • Do Not give your child milk or juice after brushing at night. If you do, you should brush again
  • Do Not give infants or toddlers soda, tea or coffee. Baby teeth are much softer than adult teeth
  • Do brush your child’s teeth every morning after breakfast and every night just before he or she goes to bed.
  • Do floss, every night, especially if any teeth are touching
  • Do encourage your toddler to drink water throughout the day – it is healthier and better for your teeth than high-sugar juices, sodas and tea
  • Do water down juices
  • Do stop bottle feeding by the first birthday
  • Do encourage your child to use a regular cup instead of a sippy cup

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry, Wendy Craighill, SMSimplifier

Give Up the Nighttime Bottle

  • Replace it with water (even if you have to do this gradually – replacing milk with water)
  • Try rocking
  • Try a clean pacifier
  • Or explain that you are replacing the bottle with a special toy, just for the occasion

The pediatric dentists at Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry understand how difficult it is to force a child to transition from night-time feedings or to teach your baby to self soothe. But, the long-lasting effects of tooth decay and disease are not worth the risk of a couple of weeks of restless nights. The sugars and acids in milk or juice eat away at the teeth and cause severe cavities. Between Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry’s three offices, there are five pediatric dentists: Dr. Bobby Garofalis,  Dr. Tammara Bell, Dr. Steve Bullock, Dr. Kari Cwiak, and Dr. Richard Pugliese. Visit Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry’s website or call their offices, below:

  • Newport News 757-240-5711
  • Williamsburg 757-259-9703
  • Hampton 757-838-0800

Don’t wait if you notice ANY signs of decay!

Ben& Jerry’s ice cream – after The Virginia Symphony Orchestra in Yorktown, Sat., 8/30

The Virginia Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Benjamin Rous, will be playing at Yorktown’s Riverwalk Landing on Water Street, on Saturday, August 30, at 7:30pm. The Fife & Drums of Yorktown will perform at 6pm. Bring blankets, beach chairs and picnic baskets! In fact, there will be a contest, right before the Symphony starts,  for the most creative picnic set up.  Arrive early as parking will fill, early. Walk across the street to our friends at Ben & Jerry’s for a core sundae or a smoothie – they’ll be scooping!

yorktown symphony

If you need to know more about the Virginia Symphony or have questions about parking, visit or call 757-890-4490