Welcome Sommer Chavez to the Social Media Simplifier family!

Social Media Simplifier is now a team! 

SMSimplifier is done-for-you marketing services, created by one stay-at-home mom (Wendy Wenck Craighill), for the entrepreneur that just doesn’t have time to manage profiles, daily updates, or sending out newsletters. Three years later, it has over 20 clients and just took on a partner! Sommer Chavez!

Sommer Chavez, mom of two and visual genius, adds another dimension to the services offered, at SMSimplifier. Not only will SMSimplifier manage your Twitter and Facebook updates, write and publish blogs, articles, and newsletters, we will now offer website development and graphic’s creation for the social-media world. Only enhanced, nothing has changed: SMSimplifier will continue to touch the heart with stories and photos.

sommer chavez bioSommer’s professional career began managing her family business. There she realized the benefits of social-media and internet marketing, long before Facebook was even around. Sommer has worked in emergency services, as a Medic, then Marketing Manager for a large non-emergency transport company. She shifted to social media management of multiple small businesses and accounts, in 2014. She’s developed graphic-design skills through independent study and creative exploration. She specializes in creating visually enticing graphics which promote viral sharing. Sommer lives in Yorktown, VA, with her two little boys and husband, a local Firefighter / Medic and service member of the Army National Guard.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Internet marketing, public relations, customer service, advertising, and sales, in a human, personal way, encouraging interactive conversation with customers & prospects. We help create an online, two-way presence by promoting premium content and humanizing the delivery (meaning the content will interest customers enough to discuss and review, repost, share and increase unique traffic to website, therefore converting anonymous traffic into your customers).   We firmly believe that social-media marketing is not advertising – we believe in developing a relationship with your customers! Advertising is advertising. Social-Media marketing is bonding with your customers and prospects so that they want to spend money with you rather than with another organization. That is what we do. Call us, today: (757) 328-8884

Go Angelo’s

NEWPORT NEWS — Angelo’s Steak and Pancake House on J. Clyde Morris Boulevard has developed a loyal following in its almost 30 years of existence. But, two years ago, the owners took advantage of an Economic Development Authority program to repave the parking lot, replace the sign with a modern digital sign, and upgrade the outdoor lighting to attract new diners. It worked! Business at Angelo’s is booming with new and returning customers!

755 J Clyde Morris Blvd Newport News, VA 23601

Angelo’s Pancake & Steak House -755 J Clyde Morris Blvd Newport News, VA 23601

Angelo’s Steak and Pancake House is a local landmark in Newport News, Virginia, serving Hampton Roads and the Peninsula for over 30 years. This family-style restaurant opened in 1984 by Angelo Theodorogiannis and brother Nick Theodor. The restaurant offers banquet facilities for large groups and serves a great steak dinner and breakfast all day. Because 30 years ago, Angelo and Nick learned people expect good food at a fair price, this creed is the secret to success (that and long hours and hard work!). See their menu here.

A little family history: Upon arriving in America in 1974 from Karpenisi Greece, Angelo Theodorogiannis entered the family business.  Then in partnership, he opened his first restaurant, Sammy and Nick’s of Smithfield in 1976.  Next he opened another Sammy and Nick’s Steak House, in Yorktown. Ten years ago, Angelo’s son Constantine “Costa” joined the family business, after graduating from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.

Costa and Angelo - owners of https://www.facebook.com/Angelo's Steak and Pancake House

Costa and Angelo – owners of Angelo’s Steak and Pancake House

At Angelo’s Steak and Pancake House, Angelo, Costa and the entire staff serve Newport News well. The locals love them and are fiercely loyal – and you’ll always see a full parking lot at Angelo’s Steak and Pancake House! Find them on Facebook!


Address:  755 J Clyde Morris Blvd Newport News, VA 23601
Phone:    (757) 599-5727
Hours:     6:00 AM – 10:00 PM


Birthday Party Time – at Pigtails & Crewcuts, Williamsburg!

Pigtails & Crewcuts stylists customize each style for the younger set. This hair salon for children will light up a face of a younger one walking in for the first time – movies, train tables, and special car chairs help make it a very memorable experience. The experienced stylists will walk the parent (and the child) through each step of the haircut to ensure complete satisfaction. And when it is time to celebrate somebody’s birthday? Well, Pigtails & Crewcuts has the perfect party for you! Use their special party room where kids love to play dress-up, have their hair done, enjoy make-up and nail color services, embark on treasure hunts and celebrate a great occasion with friends! With a variety of parties with kid-tested themes, they can tailored each to girls or boys. Whether you select a signature party theme or create your own, they’ll work hard to customize a party that’s memorable for everyone.
party descriptions

For all of our award-winning parties, they even provide a party host to emcee the celebration. They take care of setting up and provide juice & paper goods (plates, napkins and plastic ware). And the best part? They do all the clean up!! Call 757-603-6193 today or click here to get your party started!!

we got this partyPigtails & Crewcuts Signature Parties

Don’t forget – both parent and child can experience Pigtails & Crewcuts. Next time you visit, ask about Mom and Dad cuts. Haircuts for Parents, too!

Promote your blog for FREE!

You’ve probably already figured out that writing a blog post is really only half the battle. It takes some additional effort (and creativity!) to actually get people to your blog so they can enjoy your content. I have to admit that it used to be a bit disheartening checking my analytics and seeing how few people actually read my posts. Here are some FREE tips, from Kim Garst to get your blog actually READ

25 ways to promote a blog post

1. Tell people about it in an email

2. Share it on your Facebook page

3. Comment on other blogs in your niche. Become a fixture at the blogs of other well-known people in your niche. Leave intelligent comments, and contribute meaningfully to ongoing discussions. Remember: quality over quantity.


4. Guest post. Offer to contribute a post to popular blogs in your niche. Remember to include a link back to your blog in your author bio, preferably along with the offer of a free guide, e-book or info-product!

5. Participate in forums in your niche. Let me be clear: do NOT join other forums simply for the sake of promoting your blog. Participate in niche forums with the goal of helping others, sharing ideas, and people will naturally want to find out more about you.


6. Optimize for the search engines. While SEO has changed as of late, it’s definitely not dead! Make sure your posts contain keywords that people may be looking for. Pay particular importance to including your keywords (and variations of your keywords) in your title, headings, as well as in your content.

7. Exchange posts with another blogger. Propose a post exchange with another blogger in your niche. Try to choose someone with a similar audience size and demographic, and both of you will benefit from the cross promotion.


8. Write a magazine article. Trust me when I say that trade publications are always looking for contributors! Submit a query to magazines in your industry and be sure to include your url in your author bio.

9. Pin to your own Pinterest board. Create a board on Pinterest specifically for your blog posts. Make sure you use great images that add value and interest to your posts.

10. Pin to a Pinterest contributor board. See if there’s a popular Pinterest board you can pin to as a contributor. This can help drive traffic to your blog as well as to your Pinterest boards.

11. Include a link on all your social media profiles. I know, obvious, right? Make sure you include a live link on each and every social media profile you have, even on those sites you may not use regularly.

12. Share on Google+ for added SEO benefits. If you’re not already using Google+, I’d encourage you to get started! Sharing your blog posts in your Google+ circles is not only great for driving referral traffic, but is also becoming increasingly important for SEO.


13. Submit your link to Reddit. 

As one of the largest social bookmarking sites out there, submitting your posts to Reddit is definitely worth your while. Who knows when one of your posts will rise to the top of the approximately 70K links that are submitted each day!

14. Created a Slideshare based on a post. Expand your audience by re-organizing your blog posts and making them into Slideshare presentations.


15. Try social ads. Try your hand at Facebook ads, promoted posts, or sponsored tweets. This can not only drive traffic to your blog, but can increase your social media following.


16. Have obvious social share buttons. How hard is it for your blog readers to share your content with their friends? Make sure your social share buttons are in a prominent location, and that you’re including all the major players: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn (at the least).


17. Create a top 10 list with badges. This is an easy one that often yields great results. Write a post that lists a ‘top ten’ in your niche: it could be top ten bloggers, top ten businesses, etc. Have a simple badge or seal designed and award them to the winners (who often post the badge on their blog with a link back to your post).


18. Buy cheap banner ads on niche sites. Oftentimes taking out a banner ad on a niche site will result in more relevant targeting and a greater ROI than buying expensive ads on larger, more generic sites.


19. Target the long tail. When optimizing your blog posts for the search engines, be sure to pepper your content with longer, more specific phrases that people may be searching for. With Google’s move towards more natural-language search, blogs that rank well for long tail search queries will be miles ahead of the competition.


20. Hold a contest. Hosting a contest on your blog is always a great way to not only generate some buzz, but to drive traffic to your site. Promote the contest to your email list, social media followers, and be sure to submit your contest to contest directories.


21. Become a contributor at a popular website. If you’re already quite well known in your niche, apply to become a regular contributor to a well-known news or business magazine. This can be a great way to establish your reputation as a thought leader as well as to drive traffic to your blog.


22. Recycle old blog posts. Don’t be afraid to re-promote older blog posts from time to time. Many of your subscribers or followers won’t remember your older content, or if they do, will appreciate the reminder.


23. Mention an influential person in a post. If it’s relevant to a post you’re writing, include a reference to an influential person in your niche. Then be sure to @ mention them in a tweet or tag them in a Facebook post. Who knows: they may just share it with their followers too.


24. Create and submit regular press releases. When you write a newsworthy blog post, or have something ‘newsy’ happening in your business, write a press release that links back to your blog.


25. Put your blog url on all your marketing materials. Don’t forget about offline marketing! Make sure to include your blog url on all your marketing materials, both offline and online: your brochures, product pamphlets, business card, banners, etc.

I’d encourage you to set aside a few minutes each time you write a blog post to implement at least a couple of the strategies above. You’ll be amazed to see what you accomplish in a short amount of time when you’re intentional about promoting your blog!

The Kensington School donated 316 items to Williamsburg FISH food drive for Christmas 2014

The Kensington School, a preschool, founded in 2010 to provide a safe, nurturing and developmentally-appropriate environment for infant, toddler and pre-school age children is caring for others, this Holiday season. What a gift for the preschool children: the lesson of giving! The children learned, this season, that caring for your community and the others less fortunate, during the holidays, is community service. The Kensington School had a contest between the classrooms for items donated and the 4/5 year olds WON! They donated 71 items to the FISH organization.  Coming in a close second was the Baby Room. Gotta love those babies doing community service, already!! Seriously, though, the Baby Classroom donated 52 items to FISH and overall, as a school, The Kensington School donated 316 items!

fish pantry

FISH, Inc. serves Williamsburg residents and is fully volunteer operated.


Missions, such as this Food Drive, help make the holidays a lot brighter for the Williamsburg community and the donations truly touch many hearts and help many people.

About Williamsburg FISH: FISH, Inc. of Williamsburg, Virginia, is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit agency providing help to residents of the greater Williamsburg area. FISH depends entirely upon the community for food, clothing, volunteers and financial donations, in order to serve. Just in 2013, FISH provided food equivalent to 158,220 meals; 10,287 outfits of clothing; and housewares to 568 homes. Visit their website here, to learn more.

About The Kensington School:  The Kensington School helps children reach new heights and takes great pride in their teachers and staff members, who dedicate their time, patience and knowledge to the development and growth of each child.  Ninety-five percent of the teachers have bachelor’s degrees in education or child-development related fields. All staff members are background checked by the Virginia State Police and Virginia Department of Social Services. Teachers are required to take yearly continuing-education classes to meet training requirements set by state licensing. The Kensington School also requires staff to take additional training and classes to earn accreditation from VSQI (Virginia Star Quality Initiative). All staff have completed coursework in early childhood development and have tremendous experience working with children of all age groups. Teacher to student ratios are based on the needs and attention of each child.  Maximum ratio for Infants (6 weeks to 18 months) is 1:4,  Infant/Toddler (19-24 months) 1:5, Toddlers (24-36 months) 1:8, Threes: 1:10, Fours/Fives: 1:10.  Hours of operation 7am-6pm. Offering very flexible schedules to parents, children may attend 1/2 day, full day, and parents can choose days of the week that best fit their needs and schedules. Please visit their website here or call (757) 645-2047

Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry welcomes Dr. Darchelle Braxton to their practice!

Please join Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry in welcoming Dr. Darchelle Braxton!

Dr. Darchelle Braxton

Education and Training: Dr. Braxton grew up in Chesterfield, Virginia, and graduated with a B.S. in Biology Pre-Med from Virginia State University. Dr. Braxton received a M.S. in Biology with a concentration in Biochemistry from Virginia State University and University of Iowa. Dr. Braxton earned her dental education at University of Louisville and completed her general practice residency training at Kings County Hospital Center in Brooklyn, NY. She received advanced training in pediatric dentistry at New York University in New York.

Community Service: In dental school and residency, Dr. Braxton was active in student government and participated in many community service outreach projects including a mission trip to Brazil and Yakutat, Alaska to bring dentistry to children in need of access to care.

Specialized Training: During her residency, she received extensive training in treating children under general anesthesia and sedation. Dr. Braxton received extensive training in treating special needs and medically-compromised children at the Rose F. Kennedy University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in the Bronx, NY. She is a active member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry welcomes Dr. Braxton because her passion lies in improving oral health for all children. In her spare time, Dr. Braxton enjoys the theatre and traveling. Dr. Braxton now resides in Newport News and you can visit her at Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry’s Hampton location.

About Peninsula Pediatric Dentistry:  Their goal is to provide high-quality, pediatric dentistry and orthodontic care in a fun, child-friendly environment. The pediatric dentists and orthodontists, Dr. Bobby Garofalis, Dr. Tammara Bell, Dr. Steve Bullock, Dr. Kari Cwiak, Dr. Braxton, and Dr. Richard Pugliese will give your child a healthy, beautiful smile — for life.

  • On Time Appointments, CLICK HERE to Schedule Yours Today!


Guest Blog: 12 Days of Doing for Christmas

From our friends over at Pigtails & Crewcuts – Williamsburg

Strolling through your hometown mall, it’s easy to forget that the holidays aren’t just commercial. This season, be sure and remind your kids that the holidays are a time of gratitude, giving back and embracing family. Want a season to remember? Here are 12 ideas to get you in the true holiday spirit.

holiday ready

  1. Volunteer. Take the family and spend a few hours at a non-profit that’s meaningful to you. Homeless shelters, kitchens, family-centric charities and others could all use a helping hand this season, and throughout the year.
  2. Make a meal—or even just muffins—for another family. We all have someone in our lives who could use a little extra TLC. Let them know they’re on your mind by baking a spontaneous treat.
  3. Shop local. When you’re checking things off your list, keep your money in your community by shopping at an independent, locally owned store.
  4. Host a card party and help a hero. Have some friends over and get crafty, making holiday cards to spread cheer to servicemen and veterans. Learn more about Holiday Mail for Heroes here.
  5. Shop with a heart. Look for buy-one-get-one-free deals when shopping for holiday gifts, and donate the bonus gift to charity.
  6. Try something new. Always wanted to check out that Ethiopian/Indian/Chinese/Fondue restaurant? Curious about a new park or shop? Excited to sign up for one of those girl’s-night-out painting classes? Make a list of all of the places you’ve wondered about and start checking them off.
  7. Phone a friend. We’re all so preoccupied with texting and email these days, it’s easy to forget how touching it is to have a real, live conversation. Call someone you’ve been thinking about and catch up.
  8. Put your skills to use. Do you have a knack for knitting? Are you keen on quilting? Think about your talents and put them to use by donating the fruit of your labor to a local charity. Or offer to teach a friend or family member how to do the craft you love.
  9. Unplug and enjoy family time for a full day. That’s right, we said it. No TVs, no iPads, no phones. Just you and the kids for a whole day. What will you do? Whatever you want, as long as it’s centered around humans, not technology!
  10. Visit a museum. When’s the last time you visited your town’s art/history/children’s/science museum? Holiday break is a great time for an educational outing.
  11. Learn a new skill. It can be anything. Maybe you always wanted to ice skate or ski. Perhaps it’s time to teach the kids to cook or make their own lunches. Maybe that old harmonica needs dusting off. Use this time to master a task together.
  12. Host a movie marathon. No holiday season is complete without viewings of “A Christmas Story,” “Elf,” “Miracle on 34th Street” and the list goes on. Pop a tub of popcorn and settle in for a night of holiday cheer.

Parenting Conference – Teleconference – FREE! December 14, 2014, 8:30pm EST

This post is a head’s up about a fabulous opportunity for Amanda Deverich’s first Calmer Easier Happier Parenting Teleconference. She is hosting a FREE LIVE parenting call, Sunday, December 14th at 8:30pm ET.  Register now and ask your friends to join you on the call. And please feel free to share this blog post!  She has room on the call and this could the calm that is created could SAVE your holidays! Feel free to share this blog as I am sure you know SOMEONE that would also benefit from being a more calm and effective parent.


Click here to register



Yelling, nagging, repeating, threatening, and punishing on-the-fly does not work.  Vision, skill, and action work.  On the call, Amanda will listen to parents’ visions, share techniques and skills that will give them confidence, and inspire them to action with results.   The call will be packed with proven, simple, and effective techniques parents can use immediately.

Calmer, Easier, Happier webinar linked to registration page

Event Details:

This coaching teleconference happens by phone. You’ll dial into the telephone bridge line (or click on the link to connect through the internet) that you’ll receive a couple days, before the call. And don’t worry, even if the kids interrupt you in the middle of the call, the entire call will be recorded and sent to you, via email, when she’s through.

Audio Sample:

A sample of the effective parenting strategies that Amanda teaches in her coaching sessions can be heard here.


“One of my favorite memories that keeps me dedicated to teaching these skills involves a mom who asked a few questions at a presentation several years ago.  She had two young boys at the time.  Every morning she found herself harried and being “ugly” with her children.  She hated herself and her boys were not too fond of her either. During the presentation we talked about what she wanted for her family and some skills she could use to maintain calm and motivate her children.

A few weeks later I ran into her in a store.  She approached me and touched my arm.  “Amanda, you have changed my life! I have been applying the strategies- being calm, using the skills and taking action. Things are going so smoothly!  My boys smile and look at me. You won’t believe what my son said to me the other morning.”

“I love you, mommy?” I guessed.

“No!” she said.  “He said, ‘I like you, Mommy.’”

This mother was able to apply the strategies to not only take control of the morning rush, but also to build a relationship with her son.”

Pre-Submitting a Question:

Maximize your time and get your parenting questions answered because Amanda will answer as many questions as she can, in the last ten minutes of the call.  Take advantage of the best chance of getting your question answered by submitting your question in advance here. Here is a question that has already been submitted: “What are some ways to work on my patience? I often find myself getting frustrated and fussing at my kids without giving them a chance.”


Finally, if you have ever worked with Amanda Deverich, personally, or have been to one of her presentations, you know there are parenting strategies that work and she delivers! Join the seminar FREE (and from the comfort of your own home).

Sunday, December 14th at 8:30pm ET by registering atwww.WilliamsburgCounseling.com/register.

amanda deverich profile photoAbout Amanda DeverichLMFT, NCC Marriage & Family Therapist and Professional Counselor 757-903-2406

Amanda draws upon formal counseling theory and education, on the job training and personal life experience.  She is skilled in structural family therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and Christian counseling. After earning her graduate degree from The College of William & Mary, she sought out the London-based creator of the parenting program, Noël Janis-Norton, to be personally trained by her. She used the Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting methods in her own home for over 15 years – and parent after parent that she has worked with say the methods changed their lives. These methods WORK!

Baby it is cold outside – come into Bounce House and JUMP your way warm!

Where can you go on a rainy day in Newport News with small children? Where is an inside playground, in Newport News, for winter fun? How do you let kids get rid of all that energy when the weather isn’t cooperating? EASY! Newport News Bounce House!

bounce house logo.jpg

The Bounce House has Open Bounce, every day. This means that even if there are private birthday parties going on, your children can still pay and bounce, for about $8. Open Bounce is a great deal for the parents or caregivers, as Bounce House only charges for children, even though there is free WiFi for you! Free Parking and centrally located on the Peninsula (Warwick and Denbigh), this is the perfect way to entertain restless, energized children. Most of the children are toddlers to pre-teens and there is a specific area for the little ones, with tiny cars, a play kitchen, slides as well as a bounce house with no roof – less intimidating to first timers.


Each weekday there is a special discount (Buddy Pass day, Homeschooler Day, Military Day, and All-Week Pass day); find out the current schedule on their Facebook page. They even have contests on the page to give away Birthday parties and All-Week passes – so subscribe to be part of that fun by LIKING their page!

facebook likeThere are occasional shut downs, at the Bounce House because an organization or military group has shut the whole facility down for a truly private party. This happens more frequently, in December – because of Military parties, company parties, and larger seasonal events – so watch the Facebook page for news.


Don’t forget about Birthday Parties at the Bounce House! A bouncing and sliding party is great for little children; there is nothing to share and nothing more to buy, once they get there. Bouncing in castles, slipping and sliding down slides, and navigating tricky climbs and ropes gets rid of their childish energy. And childish energy depleted at a bounce house means that it doesn’t get directed at other children. Instead children take it out on rubber, air, and obstacles. Bouncing. Just. Works. After some Open Bounce, enter the Party Room – already decorated and brightly colorful, Bounce House supplies paper products – you just supply the cake. If you want pizza, snacks, or goodie bags, Bounce House can supply that, too.  Because of the current birthday party special, parties can be booked for as low as $99! And click the photo below for the current special. And….you don’t have to decorate, come up with games, or clean up. How sweet is that? Call to book, by calling (757) 369-8122

Click Here for Current Special

Click Here for Current Special


NOTE: if you live over on the Southside, there are also Bounce Houses in Chesapeake: (757) 966-5596, Virginia Beach (757) 306-1334, or Norfolk (757) 455 9075)


Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf is closed for the season – they’ll reopen in March 2015

News from the Pirate Chest:
pirate chest hand

Williamsburg’s Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf, on Mooretown Road has closed for the season. Seasonal staff – retail and entrance staff – has left for the winter. Gardeners and Maintenance will remain to work on the long ToDo list that has be tackled, each winter. Over the winter months, they repaint, repair, adding new pirate folklore, and do any needed renovations in the bathrooms and in the lobby to make admissions easier. Then, they put their feet up and wait for Santa Claus….

Feet warming by fireplace

It is time for a much-needed break for ALL the staff at Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf, after a busy, busy summer! They’ll reopen March 2015. We already can’t wait.